UC San Diego برنامه ها

Treds 1.3
UC San Diego
The Driver Orientation Screen for CognitiveImpairment (DOSCI) is a tool for use by law enforcement whenencountering drivers who are confused or slow to answer questions.Nine simple questions will assess an individual’s orientation toperson, place and time. Results of the screen can provide objectiveinformation when completing re-examination forms for the DMV. TheDOSCI is intended for use by Law Enforcement and requires apassword from their agency or from TREDS.
now@ucsandiego 2.4.1
UC San Diego
now@ucsandiego connects you to the UC SanDiego campus with mobile-focused:• location based shuttle arrival information• real-time news and events updates• weather and surf reports• nearby points of interestAdditional new features will be added regularly.
NeuroRes 1.0
UC San Diego
Official UCSD Neuroscience chat app!
UC San Diego
Quit Vaping Tips & Games
No Butts 1.1
UC San Diego
No Butts stop smoking app by Kick It California @ UC San Diego
UC San Diego 7.24.0
UC San Diego
The official UC San Diego mobile app connects you to the UC SanDiego campus.
IdeaWave 1.4.0
UC San Diego
IdeaWave taps the collective intelligence of the UC San Diegocommunity.
BrainE 2023.5
UC San Diego
A Brain Engagement platform
DOSCI 1.3.1
UC San Diego
Driver Orientation Screen for Cognitive Impairment (DOSCI)
VR Sally Ride Tour 1.02
UC San Diego
Experience a virtual reality tour aboard Scripps InstitutionofOceanography’s newest research vessel, R/V Sally Ride. Thisapptakes viewers on an interactive tour of the exterior of theship,from the working deck just a few feet above the surface oftheocean all the way to the mast more than 70 feet up. See whatit’slike to live and work aboard one of the world’s mostcapableoceanographic research vessels as a crew member orscientist. Checkout state-of-the-art equipment used to deploy andrecoverscientific instrumentation used to study the ocean. On thebackdeck is the ship’s A-frame, which can handle a 30,000-poundload.Make your way to the upper decks to see the winches and cranesasthey stand ready to lower research gear over the side of theship.Each winch has 10,000 meters of wire spooled onto it, and thecranecan lift more than 10,000 pounds, even in rolling seas. Viewthisapp using any phone with a gyro sensor, or for the fullexperienceview using Google Cardboard or a similar virtual realityviewerthat is equipped with an input screen trigger. Operated byScrippsInstitution of Oceanography at UC San Diego, R/V Sally Rideis partof the United States academic research fleet. The ship is238 feetlong, weighs 3,034 gross tons, carries 45 people (25scientists and20 mariners), and has an endurance of 40 days at seaover a rangeof 10,545 nautical miles. As a general-purpose researchvessel, theship is configurable to support all oceanographicdisciplinesincluding geology, geophysics, physical oceanography,biology,acoustics, chemistry, atmospheric physics and much more. AsanOcean Class ship, Sally Ride serves throughout the PacificOcean,from the polar ice margins to the steamy tropics. Moreinformationabout R/V Sally Ride and the amazing scientists who sailon boardis available online: scripps.ucsd.edu/ships/sally-ride
CYCORE Home Wellness 1.4.3
UC San Diego
Survey app for MD Anderson Cancer Center
Tilt Trivia 1.4
UC San Diego
Tilt Trivia is a multiple player online interactive learningandassessment tool featuring up to 6 players competing in thesamegame space simultaneously. After each player creates theiravatar,the quiz game begins. To answer a quiz question, players usesimplekeyboard controls to move their avatar to the correct answer.Eachgame is composed of 6-20 quiz questions and players earn pointsforeach correct answer. In this fast paced game, questions haveacountdown timer, forcing players to read the questions andselecttheir answers quickly. Motivating the players to do theirbest, aleader board is displayed at the end of the game showingtheir rankand score. Tilt Trivia requires an internet connectionand can beplayed on an internet browser with the Unity playerplug-ininstalled. The modular game design allows anyone to create aquizspecifically tailored to their needs. Quiz creation issimple!Using a Google Spreadsheet template (true/false ormultiple-choice)you create a list of questions/answers, choose theavatars you wantto use and a background image. Contact us aboutmaking a TiltTriviagame for you!
UCSD Transplant Clearinghouse 1.0.7
UC San Diego
Policy/procedures handbook for UCSD Liver transplant team.
Kick It: Quit Smoking | Vaping 1.0.0
UC San Diego
Help to quit tobacco & nicotine. Customizable quit plan&progress tracker.